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Interlude Exhibition

This exhibition is not the usual exhibition of finished harmonious pieces. This exhibition is comprised of photographic “sketches,” landscapes and abstract works. Some images are fragments. Some pictures standalone and others have companion pieces or are part of a series.

The worldwide pandemic has been a time of change and desolation for many. Within the confinement of past lockdowns and the ongoing uncertainty about the future there has at least been space for reflection and re-evaluation.

What kind of imagery can do justice to this time?

What kind of symbol emerges from such experiences?

How do we now view images after experiencing a pandemic and what kind of work can we truly appreciate when our attention is so often elsewhere these days?

These images are therefore a disparate lot. I do hope you find something of interest amongst the array of pictures. If you’ve seen some before, I hope the familiarity with the image can generate some different thoughts.

If you’re seeing some of them for the first time I trust you enjoy the variety.

I appreciate your comments via

David Crawford

November 2021


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