Contemporary artists often explore themes of the uncanny by employing techniques such as hyperrealism, surrealism, and abstraction to challenge viewers' perceptions and provoke emotional and intellectual responses. Hyperrealistic artworks, for example, replicate the appearance of real objects or people with such precision that they elicit a sense of eeriness or discomfort, as viewers grapple with the fine line between reality and illusion.

Surrealist artists, on the other hand, embrace the uncanny by creating dreamlike or fantastical imagery that defies logical interpretation. Works by artists such as Salvador Dalí and René Magritte confront viewers with absurd juxtapositions and distorted forms, inviting them to confront their subconscious fears and desires.

Similarly, abstract art can evoke feelings of the uncanny by presenting viewers with unfamiliar shapes, colours, and textures that challenge conventional notions of representation. Abstract artists like Wassily Kandinsky and Jackson Pollock explore the depths of human consciousness through their non-representational compositions, inviting viewers to interpret and interpret their work in deeply personal ways.

The uncanny valley also manifests in contemporary art through the use of new media and technology, as artists harness digital tools to create interactive installations, virtual realities, and augmented experiences that blur the boundaries between the physical and the virtual. These immersive artworks immerse viewers in surreal or uncanny environments, prompting them to question the nature of reality and their place within it.

Moreover, the uncanny valley has become a subject of exploration in critical theory and cultural studies, as scholars consider how contemporary art reflects and responds to the anxieties and uncertainties of the digital age. In an era marked by rapid technological advancements and social change, artists confront the uncanny valley as a metaphor for the tensions between the natural and the artificial, the human and the machine.
